For our future owners 
Before you come to our kennel for a puppy, you must be sure that:
- none of your family members have an animal allergy
- all members of your family not only really want a dog, but are also ready to sacrifice their free time, morning sleep and joint family vacation for the sake of the puppy
- you are sure that “nature has no bad weather”, and you can satisfy your dog’s needs for walks and in the rain and snowfall, as well as when you are tired from work or show your favorite series on TV
- you are ready to accept that your favorite shoes, TV remote control, smartphone or any other valuable thing that is not cleaned in time can easily be spoiled forever - for a growing puppy it does not represent value, but becomes just a “new toy”
- henceforth, the dog is a full member of your family, which, like everyone, may require expensive treatment, and you also need to be prepared for this!
For our future owners 
Before you come to our kennel for a puppy, you must be sure that:
- none of your family members have an animal allergy
- all members of your family not only really want a dog, but are also ready to sacrifice their free time, morning sleep and joint family vacation for the sake of the puppy
- you are sure that “nature has no bad weather”, and you can satisfy your dog’s needs for walks and in the rain and snowfall, as well as when you are tired from work or show your favorite series on TV
- you are ready to accept that your favorite shoes, TV remote control, smartphone or any other valuable thing that is not cleaned in time can easily be spoiled forever - for a growing puppy it does not represent value, but becomes just a “new toy”
- henceforth, the dog is a full member of your family, which, like everyone, may require expensive treatment, and you also need to be prepared for this!
You became no only the owner of the puppy, which is very soon from a small, fun young one will turn into a beautiful elegant dog, you have acquired a loyal sincere friend to a very long years.
The first thing to remember for you and your home – how to take a puppy in his hands. It is still small and the muscles, ligaments in his weaknesses and when to pull the puppy, picking up his front paws, it is very easy to injure him for a lifetime. Take the puppy should be both hands under the chest and under the seat at the same time, or on both sides, grabbing the chest and shoulder blades, and not under the belly. Hold fast to be that the puppy is not broke and fell to the floor. Better himself has often crouch to him and without extreme need not to raise it.
It is strictly unacceptable that the puppy was walking along the street until the moment when it will be delivered required vaccinations! Even once may be enough to get sick puppy! Also to vaccinations do not allow the puppy to have access to outdoor shoes, sniffed and licked her. Only ten days after the second vaccination with a puppy can begin to walk in the street. Avoid contact with outsiders puppy animals that do not live with you.
Each puppy born in our kennel has tatoo and microchip, a set of documents, including a veterinary passport with marks on the current vaccinations and treatments for parasites, and a puppy card (later it can be exchanged for the RKF / FCI pedigree). Our owner also receives a gift from the sponsor company for the first few days and a gift from the breeder.
The breeder is now your first mentor and assistant, ready at any moment to prompt answers to your questions, help you choose a feeding ration, find the contact of a training instructor, veterinarian, groomer or handler. Call or write to us immediately, as soon as you have one or another incomprehensible moment - sometimes it is easier to solve the problem "in hot pursuit" than then to deal with the consequences.
Teach your puppy not only the rules of behavior in your house, also give him the opportunity to communicate with other puppies of similar age and size, show him different places - the city, cars, other people, change places of walks, in a word - give your puppy the opportunity to timely socialization. But at the same time, do not forget about its safety: avoid communication with evil dogs, inadequate people, and also do not let the puppy (and an adult dog too) in dangerous places (for example, near highways).
Be sure to hang an address with your phone number on the collar.
In conclusion, I want to add: love your dog, no matter what it does!
The dog age is short, and try to make your pet absolutely happy next to you!
